

Strategy and Statement

  • PULRON respects nature and all living things.
  • PULRON creates and implements policies, procedures, and ethical rules with sustainability objectives.
  • PULRON has a dedicated team to develop sustainable TPE products and monitor and implement global regulations about sustainability.
  • PULRON has started to prepare annual sustainability reports in accordance with GRI standards.
  • PULRON manages system enhancements for sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) requirements through the Ecovadis platform.
  • Policies about using natural resources such as water and energy are successfully implemented at all levels of the Elastron organization. Through its focus on protecting the environment, PULRON obtained the ISO 14001 certificate.
  • PULRON has a responsive waste management system that is monitored by the local authority and PULRON's sustainability team.
  • PULRON aims to provide a safe working environment and eliminate the risk of work accidents. PULRON's occupational health and safety practices are certified by ISO 45001.
  • PULRON has impact modification solutions to support the recycling market.
  • PULRON develops TPE products that contain post-industrial recycled (PIR) raw materials for special projects.
  • PULRON measures and monitors the product carbon footprint to minimize the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment.
